Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Becoming the Green Bean Girl

 I recently read a note posted on facebook by a dear friend
So much of what she described her Autistic son goes through daily sounded like my own personal fight with FOOD...ugh! If only we didn't need it to survive, I would gladly be DONE.....if I didn't crave it every minute and turn to it at almost every stress that comes into my life daily. I feel like a drug addict....wanting to do what is right, but life is continually tempting me with a brief respite from the strain of the fight. I just want a moments peace to feel good. But, I never feel good for long and I deal with the illness and brain fog and guilt that follows.
I have too recently found that I cannot tolerate nuts. I think they get stuck in the creases of my intestines and I cannot pass them so they stick and make me feel terrible and grouchy. I've wondered for years about a thyroid disorder- Hashimotos runs in my family and both of my boys are treated for it. However, I haven't been able to get any doc to do the expensive TSH test....just the standard ones have been within normal range. (I still take two Iodine drops a day because I feel better- more "grounded")
List of Foods I feel I cannot tolerate:
Dairy (allergy)
Wheat (allergy)
Candida (allergy) So, no SUGAR
Pork (sometimes)
All Fruit except Grapefruit (newly introduced)
Chicken (unless organic)
Beans (all except green)
Eggs (allergy)

I also do not care for raw veggies....just can't stand the texture of them, except carrots which I can't tolerate either way. And by tolerate, I mean I feel yucky, crappy, sick, and slow.

My daily diet consists of Dynamic Greens powder in coconut milk, two hamburgers with a ton of green veggies like beans or peas, and then chicken, steak, or pork with a ton of green veggies. And once in a while I have some sugar-free coconut milk ice cream.

"Cannot Tolerate" for me usually shows up the next morning, like a hangover. I feel great while eating what I shouldn' stomach or intestinal pains. But by the time I wake up, I am groggy, crabby, I can't think straight and I am EXHAUSTED....usually needing at least 10 hours of sleep, and if I didn't get it WATCH OUT! ;) I don't talk much throughout the day. I forget easily what I am supposed to be doing. I run into things frequently. I get black puffy circles under my eyes. My vision is foggy and blurry and I basically shut out the world.

My allergy symptoms are different:
Wheat: Itching, hair loss, constipation, bloating
Dairy: vivid nightmares, hard grey patches of skin on my elbows, knees and feet, cravings, big-time brain fog and blurry vision
Eggs: intestinal issues and swelling of the legs and feet

Cutting out Sugar:

And throughout all of my daily food drama...even eliminating all those foods was not enough to actually feel 100% better. I would figure out a little more and a little more and maybe be 10-20% better. I was at the end of my rope, not seeing any happiness in anything I did. I really lost the joy in my life because of constant inner turmoil.

When I decided I needed to take better care of myself, it was a huge turning point in my life. I had wanted to start Chiropractic care as the rest of my family had seen amazing results, but I couldn't justify the cost for myself. I need that money for Autism. (bet ya didn't think there was a tie in) I have to watch every penny and make sacrifices to give my kids the best chance at life and I can't take that away from them by seeking selfishly after treatment for myself.

And then, the thought entered my head.....who is going to care for them if you are not around? I knew I had to find a way to make it work. I needed to try something because I couldn't keep on going living the way things were.

I went to my first adjustment and I could miraculously see for the first time since I was 6 years old- when I got my first pair of glasses. I had always had problems seeing prescription changed every year, sometimes better, sometimes worse, sometimes astigmatism in one eye sometimes in both. One time the prescription was so off when I went to pick them up, I could not see ANYTHING out of them and I had to redo the whole process.
I was also never a good driver...especially at night. Lights blinded me and I couldn't judge distance well. I can't even tell you the number of deer I hit or the times I took off a mirror. :/ I had just accepted I CAN'T SEE! I just have bad eyesight.
That wasn't the case at all. I had my neck adjusted and I could finally see details and people's eyes and in 3D! I was living in a two-dimensional world wearing frost-covered glasses. I felt pure joy and it gave me back the will to live and keep going in this crazy autism journey I call "life".

Dr. Chad at Maximized Living said if I hadn't already been following the healthy lifestyle protocol they encourage for their patients, I might not have seen such a dramatic change. I am so grateful for the doctors who have cared enough to give us the it has helped my family to heal.....and now I can be a part of that as well

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