Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Being Grateful is Not the Same as Being Happy

I've always thought of myself as a pretty grateful person.  Autism has given me a unique perspective of what is truly important in life and disregards things that don't matter in the long run. 
However, it occurred to me this morning, that despite "counting my blessings", I couldn't use the word "happy" to describe myself.  Words like, "worried", "frustrated", "busy", "scattered" are a much better fit.  So why can't I be happy?

I've seen the "Happiness Is a Choice" memes, and I always thought of it as an obvious yet necessary statement to people who had everything but chose to be unsatisfied.  Today it takes on a new  meaning for me.

Life isn't perfect for anyone.  But life is short and can be over in the blink of an eye.  Your done.  That's all you get.  Now, you only exist in memories of your loved ones on this earth....and what kind of memories are those going to be?

I don't want my kids to remember me as a busy, worried person, who has no time to have fun or enjoy anything.

When your health keeps you from being your true self, it is extremely frustrating. It sets a road block up keeping you from your accomplishments and desires.  Chronic illness robs one of happiness....but I think...only if you let it.

What if all of us make a conscious effort to be happy despite the world crumbling around us.  Laugh!  Let go!  Just be in the moment instead of counting how many ways we've failed that day...week...month...

It doesn't happen overnight.  It's something you need to work at every day so you don't slip back into the negative self talk.  Yes...."things" are bad, but what is good about this moment? 

My goal is to be happy and enjoy my life. 

#no filter
Things will never be perfect.  I will always feel like I'm not doing enough for my kids.  There will never be enough money for everything we need.  I will always have dietary restrictions.  I will always be busy and overwhelmed.  Just writing that feels so hopeless.

There will be a time when life is perfect.  I will feel content in all I have done for my children, and they will become, kind, loving Christians, who are productive and selfless.  We will have enough money for everything we need.  My body and mind will be healed of all challenges.

Now that makes me feel better. 

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